Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is formed by the fission or fusion of atom particles.
Dosnt pollute atmosphere
Cleaner Energy
Radioactive Waste
Potential Dangers.

With the recent event in japan Nuclear power is being scrutinized even more closely.  People are hesitant about this source of energy. Another problem with this is the storage. The storage must be secured and locked up because of the waste produced is highly or lowly radioactive and needs to be stored and secured from potentially dangerous or ignorant people so they don't have cancer.

With the Earthquake and the risk of the Reactors in japan going into a meltdown and releasing high levels of radioactivity  people are becoming fearful. People are being screened radiation even know to make sure that anyone near the facility is treated.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Gas prices are rising higher now then ever before. 3.38 Is the average cost of one gallon of regular gas. By memorial weekend gas could be up to 5 dollars a galleon. Gas is a non re usable resource and their is limited supply of it. Currently the world is in chaos and it only gets worse with accidents and wars in the middle east breaking out cause them to increase the prices. Energy is needed by the world in order to operate. The world needs to look into different fuel sources and make them more efficient and practical. Solar, Nuclear, Hydro, Etc are all forms of different energy.